
2 min readMay 10, 2021
black and albino kids

“We are all albinos , the only difference is that we are too black for them and that they are too white for us” _Queren Kubwarugira_

I am African , just as some of you and during the course of my life , I have heard stories about Africans being killed and discriminated because of their skin color .Fortunately, I have never been one of them ,otherwise I would not be telling this to you at this right moment. However, It does not erase me from “The unprivileged people” list. I am still in and that is because of many reasons :‘Not enough opportunities for me’ , ‘not well treated compared to a white a man’; etc.…. but is that what hurts the most ?

I am not going to lie to you . I am not the blogger who has spent two years or more investigating on why people acted like they did so that I could finally write a proven post ; I did not spend any year nor a month studying it or questioning other people working on it. I am still trying to understand why ,as Africans, we discriminate and kill albinos while we once had and still have the same problems as they do . White people have discriminated us long time ago, and I would not like to hide the well known fact that they still do it just because for them we look too black and therefore, not enough human .You all know this story because It has been told many times from Martin Luther king to a 20th century six year old kid of today .

As BLACK people ,we discriminate albinos just because they seem too WHITE to be called ‘Africans’. From the time the word “absurd” has been created , I do not think that there has ever been anything more absurd than this. Having fought against discrimination and racism for years, finally we are the ones discriminating our brothers and sisters just because they were born different.

  • Next , I’ll be posting about some of my poems about albinos and discrimination , throw out what you think and let’s support albinos*
  • I also hold a Facebook page called “Just_Albinos , Go check it if you don’t mind. Have a great day 😘




I am passionate about albinos and here to talk mostly about hem . 🌚🌝⭐Feel free to contribute and to tell me what you think, Love from wherever I am😘